Noninvasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Testing

Prenatal Paternity Test

Ravgen is focused on developing noninvasive prenatal diagnostic tests based on fetal DNA present in maternal blood. The publicity surrounding our previous publications generated a large number of phone calls from patients who needed to determine paternity during the pregnancy but did not wish to undergo invasive tests, which carry a risk of miscarriage. These phone calls opened our eyes to a significant unmet clinical need, which compelled us to develop a noninvasive prenatal paternity DNA test. Our patients had very compelling reasons for prenatal paternity testing – for example, some were victims of rape, while others were carriers of genetic disorders and uncertain if paternity impacted whether or not they were at risk for having a child affected with the disorder. In some cases, not knowing paternity created an added stressor to the pregnant mother, which can impact the health of the pregnancy. In 2012, we published our scientific findings for the prenatal paternity test through the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the top medical journals in the world. We recommend that anyone who is interested in the test to read our publication under News & Publications. Please contact Ravgen for more information regarding noninvasive prenatal DNA paternity testing and how to make convenient arrangements for you in your area.

The Prosecution of Michael Roseboro

In 2008, our prenatal DNA paternity technology was used in the prosecution of the Michael Roseboro murder trial of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Feel free to explore under News & Publications to see a description of how our noninvasive prenatal DNA paternity test was used in this case, as told by true-crime novelist M. William Phelps (2011).

How It Works

Ravgen’s core technology is based on its ability to increase the percentage of fetal DNA that is found in the mother’s blood. Through its research with free-floating fetal DNA, the company has developed and patented a variety of noninvasive prenatal tests that simply require a routine blood draw from the mother.

To complete our Prenatal DNA Paternity test, we require a safe blood draw from the mother’s arm and a buccal swab collection from the potential father to match the baby’s DNA with a potential father’s DNA. We can conduct the paternity test with over 99% accuracy.

For the sample collections, you do not need to come to our lab directly. We work with sites all over the country and can schedule appointments accordingly. Please contact Ravgen at (410) 715-2111 for specific locations nearby you.

Commonly Asked Questions

How is our DNA Prenatal Paternity Testing done?

We have sites all over the United States for sample collections. Please contact Ravgen at (410) 715-2111 to make convenient arrangements.

Do you offer testing outside of the United States?

Currently, samples are only collected from the United States and Canada due to the limitations of fetal DNA while shipping.

Do we have to go to an appointment together?
We can schedule separate appointments. It is recommended that all parties collect their samples on the same day, as the time frame for results are based off having all samples in the lab for testing.
Can I bring in a sample for the alleged father?

We can test other samples besides the standard buccal swab collection, but there is an additional fee included. Please feel free to call the lab at (410) 715-2111 to discuss viable sample options.

How accurate is our DNA Prenatal Paternity Test?

DNA prenatal paternity testing can either exclude or confirm a father. Our test is over 99% accurate.

How early can you detect fetal DNA?

Fetal DNA can be detected as early as 5 weeks and rises rapidly throughout the first trimester.

What kind of things can you test for with fetal DNA?

We can test for a number of single gene disorders including: cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, and the Jewish panel. In addition to single gene disorders, we also offer noninvasive prenatal DNA paternity testing.

Can cells last from a previous pregnancy?

In the mother’s blood, there are intact fetal cells and free-floating fetal DNA that were released from fetal cells destroyed by the mother’s immune system. While it is thought that a few rare intact fetal cells can escape the mother’s immune system and persist from previous pregnancies, free-floating fetal DNA can only last for a few hours. Therefore, all of our tests are based on free-floating fetal DNA present in the mother’s blood rather than intact fetal cells. It has been well shown that free-floating fetal DNA cannot exist from previous pregnancies.

Is this technology approved by any governing bodies?

Ravgen has been recognized and approved by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and has received a certificate of accreditation under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).

Has this technology been published?

Ravgen, Inc. has published the basis of this technology in top medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association. Please browse under our News & Publications tab for additional publications.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes, we do! Please call our lab at (410) 715-2111 to discuss our options.